Congratulations on choosing Suunto t4 as your personal training advisor. The
Suunto t4 is a high-precision heart rate monitor designed to make your training
as efficient and enjoyable as possible.
Suunto t4 features the unique Suunto Coach function that knows exactly what
is needed to reach your personal training goals. The Coach recommends the
ideal workout sessions based on your current fitness level, your day-by-day
situation, and the guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine. Find
more information on Suunto Coach in Section 2.4
Suunto t4 also displays Training Effect, an intelligent measure that tells you
in real time how much the workout is improving your condition (see Section
2.3). Training Effect gives you the freedom to work-out without pre-set heart
rate (HR) zones and ensures that every workout you do takes you closer to
your targets, even if you don’t follow the Coach’s recommendations.
Speed and distance data is available with optional Suunto PODs, wirelessly
and without interference, through digital transmission.
This user’s guide is here to help you get the most out of your training with
Suunto t4. Please read through it to make using your new Suunto t4 even more
1. Getting started ........................................................................... 5
1.3.4. Settings ....................................................................... 13
2.2. Settings ............................................................................ 19
3. Training .................................................................................. 32
4. After training ............................................................................ 37
7.1. Copyright .......................................................................... 45
7.2. Trademark ......................................................................... 46
8. Disclaimers .............................................................................. 46
8.2. Warnings ........................................................................... 47
8.3. CE .................................................................................. 47
8.4. ICES ................................................................................ 47
The buttons are named on the back of the device according to the functions they perform. However,
in this user's guide the names are simplified as shown in the table below.
Name on back of device
+ / lap
Name in User's Guide
- / Light
Alt / Back
Start / Stop
In Totals, Logbook, and Coach, small arrows on the screen indicate the buttons that you can
navigate with. The buttons' functions depend on the length of the press. A short press is less than
1 second, and a long press is more than 2 seconds. Throughout this user's guide, the following
symbols are used to indicate short and long presses.
Short press
Long press
2 sec
1.1. Setting up Suunto t4
When you press a button on your new Suunto t4 for the first time, you will be asked to define some
basic settings. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to change the values, accept and move to the next
item by pressing the ENTER button.
The figure below shows you how to set up your device for the first time.
Adjust with UP and DOWN buttons.
Accept with ENTER button.
Carry on setting up the time,
date, units and personal settings.
After this Suunto t4 will go into
Time mode and will be ready for
Your maximum heart rate is determined using the formula 210 minus 0.65
times your age, which is automatically calculated from the date of birth that
you enter. If you know your real maximum heart rate, you should use that
instead of the calculated value.
1.2. Activity class (act class)
Important: Your activity class is another one of the settings that you are asked to define when
you set up your device for the first time. Your activity class is a measure of your current activity
level. By entering your current activity class (1 - 10) into your Suunto t4, the device will be able to
give much more accurate calorie consumption information. As the amount and/or intensity of your
physical activity increases, the device will automatically increase your activity class based on your
recorded heart rate information. Your activity class will not be automatically decreased if, for
example, you engage in less strenuous activity, but you should manually decrease your activity
class if you think that it has decreased over time. See the table below for information on determining
your activity class.
Activity description
Activity class
No regular participation in
recreational sports or heavy physical
Always avoid exertion, whenever possible.
Walk for pleasure, routinely use stairs, occasionally
exercise sufficiently to cause heavy breathing or
Regular participation in recreation or 10 - 60 minutes per week
work requiring modest physical
activity, such as yard work, nordic
Over 1 hour per week
walking or moderate-intensity cycling.
Regular participation in heavy
physical exercise, such as running,
aerobic classes or high-intensity
Less than 30 minutes per week
30 - 60 minutes per week
1 - 3 hours per week
Over 3 hours per week
Endurance athlete (Regional level) 5 - 7 hours per week
7 - 9 hours per week
Endurance athlete (National level) 9 - 11 hours per week
11 - 13 hours per week
Activity description
Activity class
Endurance athlete (International
13 - 15 hours per week
More than 15 hours per week
1.3. Suunto t4 at a glance
Time mode
Training mode
Speed and Distance
mode (if paired with POD)
In Speed and Distance mode
you can:
- view speed
In Time mode you can:
- view the time
- go to log
In Training mode you can:
- use the stopwatch
- view your heart rate
or Training Effect
- view distance
- go to Totals
- set the Training Effect target
- go to Speed and Distance
- go to Time settings
- change shortcuts
- connect to pc*
- set the Training Effect
- go to Training settings
- change shortcuts
- change shortcuts
* In order to connect your device to a PC, an optional Suunto PC POD and
Suunto software are required.
In any of the above modes, a long press of the ENTER button will take you to that mode's Settings
menu. In Time mode, a short press of the START button will take you to Logbook and a short
press of the UP button accesses Totals. The figure below shows the functionality of each of these
Settings menu
Each mode has its own
settings menu where you
can define the settings
related to that mode.
In Totals you can view
the total values of your
sessions for:
In Logbook you can view
your last 15 activities’:
- Training Effect
- this week
- duration
- last week
- 6 last months
- calories consumed
- average heart rate
- peak heart rate
- time spent in and out of
zones or limits
1.3.1. Time mode
Here you can see the functionality of the buttons used in Time mode. This will help you get started
with using the basic functions of your Suunto t4. Additionally, you will find options for the shortcut,
which is in the bottom line of the display.
2 sec
The light
The light can be activated in any mode at any point by short pressing the DOWN button. If you
want to use the light in Settings, Logbook or Totals, the light must be activated before entering
The alarm snooze
Only the BACK button deactivates the alarm; pressing any other button activates the snooze
function, which lasts for 5 minutes. The snooze function can be activated 12 times, after which the
alarm will be deactivated until the set time the following day.
Pressing the BACK
button switches off
the alarm.
1.3.2. Training mode
Here you can see the basic functionality of the buttons used in Training mode as well as options
for the shortcut, which is in the bottom line of the display.
2 sec
The stopwatch is accessed by pressing the START button in Training mode and can be seen in
the top row. The information from the training that you time with the stopwatch, such as heart rate
and calorie consumption, is stored and can later be seen in Totals and Logbook. Therefore, you
should activate the stopwatch, and ensure you have a heart rate reading, whenever you
start a training session.
Pressing the
Pressing the
button again,
button starts
stops the
the stopwatch.
While the stopwatch is running, you can take up to 99 lap times, the first 50 of which are stored
in the memory, by pressing the UP button.
1.3.3. Speed and Distance mode
The Speed and Distance mode is available when you have paired an optional speed and distance
POD with your Suunto t4. Here you can see the functionality of the buttons used in Speed and
Distance mode.
2 sec
1.3.4. Settings
Navigating in the Settings menus is very easy. Follow the position of the blinking empty box and
you will know exactly where in the Settings menu you are.
Take a look at the following tables showing the different Settings and the items you can define in
Time mode settings
Alarm time: hour/min
Dual time: hours/ minutes
Date: year/ month/ day
Personal Weight
Max heart Sex
Date of birth
General Tones:
Heart rate: Height:
bpm/ % cm/ft
12h/24h ddmm/
Training mode settings
Zone 1: Zone 2:
Zone 3: upper %
upper %
upper %
rate limits rate
limits: on/
Lower limit Upper
Alarm: on/off
Intervals Interval
Interval 1: Interval 2: Interval 2: Warm
Warm up: minutes/
up: on/ seconds
1: on/off minutes/
Pair a
Pair: heart rate belt / Foot POD / Bike POD / GPS POD
General Tones:
Heart rate: Height:
bpm/ % cm/ft
12h/24h ddmm/
Speed and Distance mode settings
Setting Options
Autolap Autolap: Distance
Upper limit
Calibrate Calibrate: Foot POD/ Bike POD
Pair a
Pair: heart rate belt / Foot POD / Bike POD / GPS POD
General Tones:
bpm/ %
12h/24h ddmm/
Please refer to Section 2.2 Settings for more information on how to define the device's settings.
2.1. The heart rate transmitter belt and speed and distance PODs
2.1.1. Putting on the heart rate transmitter belt
The heart rate transmitter belt is an integral part of Suunto t4's functionality, so it's important that
you know how to wear it correctly.
We recommend that you wear the transmitter against your bare skin to ensure flawless operation.
The electrodes must be wet during the exercise. Raise the transmitter a little off your chest
and moisten the electrode area on the side in contact with your skin.
Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin and that the logo is in a central
upright position.
Enter Training mode. (Your heart rate will not be visible until you enter Training mode.)
Whenever you enter Training mode or start the stopwatch, your Suunto t4 automatically searches
for signals from a heart rate belt or paired speed and distance POD.
After switching to Training mode,
Suunto t4 displays two bars while it is
seeking the HR belt signal.
Instead of your heart rate, "00" is
shown in the center of the display if no
heart rate belt is found.
Once the device has found the signals, your heart rate or speed and distance information will be
displayed in the center of the screen.
For detailed instructions on how to pair and calibrate your optional speed
and distance POD, please refer to the POD's own user's guide.
Heart rate signal troubleshooting
If you can't see a heart rate signal, or lose the signal, try these steps to fix the problem.
Exit and then re-enter Training mode.
Make sure that you are wearing the heart rate transmitter belt correctly. (See section 2.1.1.)
Ensure that the electrode area on the back of the belt is slightly wet.
If you have been using the belt for some time, the battery may need changing. For instructions
on how to change the transmitter belt's battery, see section 5.
2.1.2. Wireless speed and distance PODs
Optional wireless speed and distance PODs are light, easy-to-use, and accurate. Since the devices
(Suunto Foot POD, Suunto Bike POD, and Suunto GPS POD) differ from each other, they come
with separate user's guides, which you should read for more detailed information on their use.
When you have paired and calibrated a speed and distance POD with your Suunto t4, you can
take advantage of the Speed and Distance mode, as well as speed and distance-related control
functions and information.
2.2. Settings
Before you are able to make the most of your Suunto t4, it's worth taking some time to personalize
it to suit your individual needs and preferences. If you have already defined the settings based on
the information given in section 1, you can skip to section 3.
2.2.1. Time mode settings
This figure shows how to enter the Time mode Settings menu and its different items.
Long press the
ENTER button to
switch between
Time mode and
Use UP and DOWN buttons
to toggle between the
following time setting
submenus: alarm, time, date,
personal, general.
2 sec
Remember that you can see where you are within the Settings menu by
following the flashing bar in the navigational aid.
Alarm settings
In the Alarm menu, you can set the alarm on or off and set the alarm time. Accept the settings
with a short press of the Enter button, which also moves you on to the next menu item.
Time settings
In the Time menu, you can set the time and dual time. Accept the settings with a short press of
the Enter button, which also moves you on to the next menu item.
Date settings
In the Date menu, you can set the day, month, and year. Accept the settings with a short press of
the Enter button, which also moves you on to the next menu item.
Personal settings
In the Personal menu, you can enter personal information such as your weight, height, activity
class, maximum heart rate, gender, and date of birth. Accept the settings with a short press of the
Enter button, which also moves you on to the next menu item.
Adjust the weight setting with
UP and DOWN buttons. Accept
with ENTER button.
Continue setting your height,
activity class, maximum heart rate,
sex and birth date.
See the table in Section 1.2, Activity class for information on activity class
General settings
In the General menu, you can set the button tones on or off and choose the units and format the
information is displayed in. Accept the settings with a short press of the Enter button.
2.2.2. Training mode settings
This figure shows how to enter the Training mode Settings menu and its different items.
Use UP and DOWN buttons
Long press the
to toggle between the
ENTER button in
following Training setting
Training mode to
enter Training
2 sec
submenus: heart rate zones,
heart rate limits, intervals,
settings menu.
pair a POD and general.
Heart rate zone settings
In the Heart Rate Zone menu, you can define the 3 heart rate zones and set the tones on or off.
The 3 heart rate zones are useful in training as they record how much of your training is spent
within specific heart rate zones, or if you want to give yourself a long enough warm-up, or keep
your heart rate at an optimum level for fat burning.
After training, you can see how much of the session was spent in each zone. Each zone is a range
of heart rates expressed as a percentage of your maximum heart rate (which is calculated based
on the age you enter in the Personal settings menu). Accept the settings with a short press of the
ENTER button, which also moves you on to the next menu item.
The default heart rates for zones 1-3 are 60-70%, 70-80%, and 80-90% of your maximum heart
rate, but if you are following a specially designed training program, enter the zone values that have
been tailored towards your individual goals. The benefits of training in each default zone are shown
in the table below.
Heart rate
Default setting
Main benefit
Zone 1
60 - 70% of maximum heart Improves your basic endurance, and helps you to recover from harder
rate training sessions. Can also be used in weight control.
Zone 2
70 - 80% of maximum heart Improves your aerobic capacity. This is the preferred zone if you are
rate training for an endurance event.
Zone 3
80 - 90% of maximum heart Improves your maximum aerobic capacity and lactate tolerance ability
(anaerobic threshold) - meaning your maximum endurance will
improve and you'll be able to fight fatigue better.
The heart rate zone defaults follow the guidelines of the American College
of Sports Medicine for exercise prescription.
The average heart rate is also a useful measure during training where the heart rate levels vary
a lot, such as biking in hilly terrain. In these cases, the target zone limits are less practical than
the average heart rate.
Heart rate limit settings
In the Heart Rate Limit menu, you can set the heart rate limits on or off, define the upper and lower
limits, and set the heart rate alarm on or off. You can set the heart rate limits to help you stay within
a defined heart rate range, which you can set to match the goal of your training.
While training, your real-time heart rate can be displayed in the center of the screen. If the average
heart rate shortcut is selected, your real-time average heart rate per lap is displayed in the bottom
row as either beats per minute or a percentage of your maximum heart rate. In the Settings menu,
you can set alarms to notify you when you go above your set upper heart rate or below the set
lower heart rate.
When the Limit alarm is on, Suunto t4
gives you an alarm when your heart
rate rises above the upper limit or
drops below the lower limit. The alarm
continues until you return to your
target heart rate range.
Upper limit
Lower limit
heart rate
By checking your average heart rate you can adjust your training intensity to make sure the session
is as effective as possible.
Intervals settings
In the Intervals menu, you can set interval 1 and 2 on or off and define their times. You can also
set the warm-up timer on or off and define its time. Accept the settings with a short press of the
Enter button, which also moves you on to the next menu item.
Pair a POD settings
In the Pair a POD menu, you can pair your Suunto t4 with your heart rate transmitter belt, Suunto
PC POD, Suunto Foot POD, Suunto Bike POD or Suunto GPS POD.
Select the POD you want to pair using
UP and DOWN buttons.
Accept with the ENTER button then turn
on the POD you want to pair.
After pairing, enter Time mode and re-enter Training mode to view the
POD's readings.
General settings
See Section 2.2.1 Time mode settings for information on General settings.
2.2.3. Speed and Distance mode settings
To recap, this figure shows how to enter the Speed and Distance mode settings menu and its
different items.
Long press the
ENTER button in
Speed and
Distance mode to
enter Speed and
Distance settings
Use UP and DOWN buttons
to toggle between the
following Speed and
Distance setting submenus:
autolap, speed, calibrate, pair
a POD and general.
2 sec
Autolap settings
In the Autolap menu, you can set the autolap function on or off and set the distance for each lap.
When autolap is set on, and you have a paired speed and distance POD, the device beeps and
shows total distance, average lap speed, and lap time for 5 seconds with each lap.
Speed settings
In the Speed menu, you can set the speed limit on or off and define the upper and lower speed
Calibrate settings
In the Calibrate menu, you can calibrate your Suunto Foot POD or Suunto Bike POD. An alternative
way of calibrating your POD is to run or cycle a known distance, say 10 km, using the POD. If you
do not reset the stopwatch after completing the distance, you can correct the distance shown, for
example 9.6 km, from the settings. The device will then update the calibration value accordingly.
The GPS POD is also listed in the Calibrate menu but the calibration has no effect on the GPS
POD measurements. You will need this calibration only if you have, for instance, two Bike PODs
for different bikes. You can then pair one of them as GPS POD and use the calibration in the same
way as you normally would with Bike POD.
Pair a POD settings
See Section 2.2.2 Training mode settings for information on Pair a POD settings.
General settings
See Section 2.2.1 Time mode settings for information on General settings.
2.3. Training Effect
A unique feature of Suunto t4 is its ability to record and display Training Effect. Training Effect
(TE) shows the effect of a workout on your aerobic fitness on a simple one-to-five scale. For the
first time, you will know in real time how much your workout is really improving your fitness level.
With Training Effect, you can ensure that your workouts always give the intended result.
Please note the difference between training zone (temporary training intensity) and Training Effect
(total load of a workout). In zone training, you try to keep your heart rate at a certain level throughout
the whole workout, whereas for Training Effect it is enough just to reach the desired TE value once
during the workout.
Measured TE
Result of the workout
1.0 - 1.9
Minor TE
Enhances recovery (short workout) or develops base endurance
(over 1 hour session). Ideal for fat burning. Does not improve
maximal performance.
2.0 - 2.9
3.0 - 3.9
Maintaining TE
Improving TE
Maintains aerobic fitness. Builds base for harder training in the
future. Does little to improve maximal performance.
Improves aerobic fitness if repeated 2–4 times a week. No
special recovery requirements.
4.0 - 4.9
Highly improving TE
Over-reaching TE
Rapidly improves aerobic fitness if repeated 1–2 times a week.
A few easier exercise sessions (TE 1–2) needed for recovery.
Dramatic increase in aerobic fitness if adequate recovery is
allowed afterwards. High demand for recovery. Increased risk
of overtraining if repeated too often.
When monitoring your Training Effect, you no longer need to stay within pre-defined heart rate
zones because the TE shows the actual result of the workout regardless of what your exact heart
rate is. This gives you freedom from the zone alarms while still reaching the desired result.
Suunto t4 shows the Training Effect in two ways. The lower right side of the display shows it as a
graph. It can also be shown as a number in the center of the screen instead of the heart rate
reading. The TE of each workout is defined by the highest number (from 1.1 to 5.0) reached during
the workout. The peak TE reached stays visible on the graph. If you want to further increase the
effect after a lower intensity period, you need to work-out harder to push the peak higher.
Long pressing the BACK
button switches between
heart rate and real-time
Training Effect.
TE can be shown in the center
instead of heart rate.
TE graph + scale
If you continue your workout after
reaching the target, the bottom row
automatically starts showing
remaining time to the next TE level,
in this case 3.4.
This shortcut shows how much time you still have
to the next training effect level. In this example,
you need to continue 10 minutes at the current
intensity to reach TE 3.2.
Training Effect reached so far in the
workout: 3.8 (Improving)
Peak level. If there has been a period of
lower intensity, your current level may be
lower. To reach higher TE than 3.8 from this
workout, you need to increase the
intensity so that this graph pushes the
peak mark higher.
Bottom row: Next TE level is 4.0 but you can not reach it with the current
intensity. (Time indicator -:-- means that you have to increase intensity to
reach the target.)
To find out more about Training Effect, and how to use it to improve your training, please download
Heart beat analysis technology producing Training Effect is provided and supported
by Firstbeat Technologies Ltd.
2.4. Suunto Coach
The Suunto Coach is your personal training advisor. It generates an ideal training program for the
next 5 days, based on your current fitness level and your past week’s workouts. The Coach follows
the guidelines of the American College of Sport Medicine for exercise prescriptions, ensuring that
your training is safe and effective in taking you towards your training goals. The Coach can be
entered by short pressing the START button in Logbook.
2.4.1. Initial set-up
The only initial information that Suunto Coach needs is your current activity class. This is asked
when you set up your device for the first time, see section 1.1. You can also adjust it in the Personal
menu of Time mode settings, see section 2.2.1. Even if your activity class is not exactly right, the
Coach finds the right level in a few weeks, once you start using your Suunto t4. For the Coach to
function correctly, it is important that you always record your workouts with your Suunto t4.
2.4.2. The training program
The program consists of six different levels: Initial level for beginners, four improvement levels
with increasing training volume and intensity, and a maintenance level designed for active endurance
sports participants. The Coach defines the starting level of your training program based on your
activity class. From the starting level, the Coach takes you toward improved performance, fully
adapting to your daily situation.
Program level
Level description
Initial stage
Times/ week Duration of workout
Total/ week
1.5 hours
1.5 hours
25 - 35 mins
25 - 35 mins
Improvement 1
Program level
Level description
Improvement 2
Improvement 3
Improvement 4
Times/ week Duration of workout
Total/ week
3 hours
30 - 60 mins
45 - 60 mins
45 - 75 mins
30 - 75 mins
3.5 hours
6 hours
4 - 5
3.5 - 6 hours
The coach recognizes when you have reached a sufficient fitness level to move to the next program
level. To ensure safe and continuous progress, there is a minimum time of four weeks for each
level. Note that even though they are closely linked to each other, the training program level is
different from your activity class. Both your activity class and program level are shown when you
enter the Coach display.
2.4.3. Training sessions
The Coach generates a training program for the next 5 days. The program maintains a balance
between workout and rest, and a variation between easy and hard, long and short workouts for
the best progress.
Each workout has a target Training Effect and a recommended duration. The Training Effect targets
for the next 5 days are shown as a bar graph in the center of the Coach display. To check the
exact recommendations for the next days, you can move with UP and DOWN buttons.
The Coach display
alternates every 2
seconds between the
Training Effect target
and the duration.
To activate the recommendation as your target workout, press the ENTER button and then press
START to begin training. Your Suunto t4 starts guiding you to the target Training Effect in the
recommended time. See more information about the guidance available during your workout in
Section 3.
Although the coach gives recommendations about intensity and duration, the sessions are not
tightly restricted. To achieve each session's goal you can choose to train at a higher or lower
intensity or for more or less time. However, it is worth remembering that improving fitness requires
patience, and the recommendations given by the Coach are optimized for progress, based on
your own training history.
2.4.4. Automatic program adaptation
The Coach automatically updates the training program to respond to your actual training. It notices
if the Training Effect of your previous workouts was above or below target and modifies the goal
of the next session accordingly. If you decide to do something else instead of the recommended
workout, or even have a longer break in your training, the program continues to adapt.
Following the advice of the Suunto Coach, or at least checking its recommendations regularly,
ensures that your training has an optimal rhythm and intensity in all situations. The Coach gives
you the confidence that you are training correctly to reach your training goals in a safe and
systematic way, and makes your training more interesting. Enjoy using it!
Heart beat analysis technology producing the adaptive training program of Suunto Coach
is provided and supported by Firstbeat Technologies Ltd.
Once you have your Suunto t4 set up as you like it, it's time to get out and start training. For detailed
information on training and tips on how to maximize its effectiveness, download Suunto Training
There are four alternative ways to use your Suunto t4 in training: following a training program,
manually adjusting your training program, training without targets, and using the speed and distance
3.1. Following a training program
If you are following a training program designed for you by Suunto t4's Coach function, the device
will provide you with guidance to help you reach your Training Effect target in the recommended
time while training. Short press the ENTER button in Coach and you will enter Training mode.
Pressing the START button then initiates a guided training session.
Press the START button to
start the guided training.
Press ENTER to set guided
training session – this moves you to
the Training mode.
The stopwatch and the timer of the
training start – keeping you informed on
how long you should be exercising to
reach target Training Effect.
In Training mode, the following information and guidance will be provided if your training intensity
is too low or too high.
If your pace is too
fast, an arrow
If your pace is too
slow, an arrow
pointing down will
appear telling you to
slow down.
pointing up will
appear telling you
to speed up.
3.2. Manually adjusting your training program
You can increase the Training Effect target by long pressing the DOWN button while the Training
Effect shortcut is displayed. This automatically updates the recommended duration of the session.
Long press the DOWN
button to increase the
Training Effect target.
When the stopwatch has been reset, you can change the target time by long pressing the UP
Long press the UP button
when the Training Effect shortcut
is chosen and the stopwatch has
been reset, to increase the target
3.3. Training without set targets
The stopwatch is activated by short pressing the START button in Training mode. It can be seen
in the top row in Training mode. The information from the training that you time with the stopwatch,
such as heart rate and calorie consumption, is stored and can later be seen in Totals and Logbook.
Therefore, you should activate the stopwatch, and ensure you have a heart rate reading,
whenever you start a training session.
Pressing the
button again,
stops the
Pressing the
button starts
the stopwatch.
This number
indicates the
ongoing lap.
Pressing the UP button, when
the stopwatch is running, stores
the split time and displays it in
the top row of the Suunto t4. It
also displays the average heart
rate and shows the lap time.
After 3 seconds, the display
jumps back to the stopwatch.
While training, the stopwatch displays either the real-time Training Effect or heart rate in the center
of the screen. You can switch between the two by long pressing the BACK button.
The information that is displayed while the stopwatch is running depends on the device's settings
as well as on whether there is a speed and distance POD connected. The default shortcut, which
appears on the bottom row of the display, is the Training Effect target.
Pressing the BACK button
changes the shortcut at the
bottom of the display. Some
shortcuts are only
available when connected
to speed and distance POD.
When the stopwatch has been stopped, you can reset it by long pressing the UP button, as shown
in the figure below.
Long pressing
the UP button
when the
stopwatch is
stopped resets
the stopwatch.
If your peak heart rate in the most recent session exceeded the maximum heart rate defined in
Personal Settings, Suunto t4 will ask if you want to update your maximum heart rate value after
resetting the stopwatch.
If you want to update your
maximum heart rate, press the
DOWN button. Pressing the BACK
button takes you back to
Training mode without updating
your maximum heart rate.
3.4. Using the speed and distance displays
While training, the Speed and Distance mode provides additional information to help you monitor
and adjust your training. The top row displays distance information, the center row displays speed
information, (in whichever format was chosen in General settings), and the bottom row displays
different information depending on the shortcut selected.
Pressing the BACK
button changes
the shortcut at
the bottom of
the display.
If Autolap is set off, the average speed shown is the average speed from
the start of the previous lap and the lap time is the time from the start of
the last lap.
Once you have finished your training, your Suunto t4 can provide you with detailed information on
your performance. In this section, we'll look at the Totals and Logbook functions, as well as Suunto's
4.1. Training Logbook
Immediately after finishing your training, one of the first things you'll want to do is review all the
data recorded during the session. You can see your Training Effect, peak heart rate, average heart
rate, how many calories you burned, speed and distance information (if using an optional speed
or distance POD) and more in the Logbook submode. The Logbook can be accessed by short
pressing the START button in Time mode. You can use the DOWN, UP, ENTER and BACK buttons
to navigate in the menu.
Press the ENTER button to scroll through the
logs. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to view
the summary of a particular log: Training
Effect, average and peak heart rate etc. Move
back in the summary using the BACK button.
Depending whether you had set the heart rate limits or heart rate zones on or off during the training,
the Logbook will display information relating to either heart rate zones or heart rate limits, or neither
if both were turned off or your Training Effect was less than 1.1.
The logbook stores all the information from your last 15 training sessions. After 15 logs have been
saved, the latest one will overwrite the oldest one. You cannot delete or modify logs in the memory.
If you are interested in more detailed, long-term analysis, you might be interested in Suunto's PC
software. You can use it to view in-depth figures, statistics, and graphical representations of all
more details.
4.2. Training Totals
In addition to detailed information on your last 15 training sessions, Suunto t4 stores all the
accumulated data recorded this week (Monday - Sunday), last week, and for the last 6 months.
This information can be seen in the Totals submode, which is accessed by short pressing the UP
button in Time mode.
When in the Totals submode, use the UP and DOWN buttons to choose the period you wish the
view. The ENTER and BACK buttons are used to view the different totals, for example Training
Effect total, calorie consumption totals, and distance totals. The figure below shows how to navigate
within the Totals menu.
Press the UP button in Time mode to view
the totals of your training. Long press ENTER
button to exit the Totals.
Pressing the ENTER button takes you through your
training totals for this week: number of workouts,
training time, calories etc.
In each display, you can use the UP and DOWN
buttons to change between the view for this week,
last week, and for each month for the past 6
Press the BACK
button to return to the
previous display.
In the Week view of the Training Effect totals, as in the above figure, each
dot represents 15 minutes of training. In the Month view, each dot
represents one hour of training.
Once you have reviewed your data, you can exit Totals by long pressing either the ENTER or
BACK button.
4.3. Suunto Training World
Suunto Training World, Suunto's training-specific Web site, is dedicated to helping athletes and
fitness enthusiasts at all levels achieve their goals. You'll find this site the perfect training partner
for running, cycling, aerobics, spinning, walking and the whole range of endurance and team
Whether you're working toward a marathon, or aiming for weight loss and a healthy heart, Suunto
Training World is a valuable resource for tips, news and inspiration.
gather training tips, participate in discussions, keep abreast of training news, and motivate yourself
with the stories of Suunto Ambassadors.
Your Suunto t4 is a precision instrument. By following a few common sense points, you can
maximize the life of your device. If your Suunto t4 does require servicing, you should take it to
your nearest Suunto representative. This section also describes the steps to follow when replacing
the battery in both your Suunto t4 and the transmitter belt.
5.1. General instructions
Only perform the procedures described in this user's guide.
Never attempt to disassemble or service your Suunto t4.
Always protect your Suunto t4 from shocks, hard and sharp objects, extreme heat and prolonged
exposure to direct sunlight.
If not in use, store your Suunto t4 in a clean and dry environment at room temperature.
In order to prevent the face from becoming scratched, the device should not be stored in the
bottom of a bag or other place where it could come into contact with hard objects.
You can wipe your Suunto t4 clean with a cloth lightly moistened with warm water. If there are
stubborn stains or marks, you can apply mild soap to the area.
Do not expose your Suunto t4 to strong chemicals, such as gasoline, cleaning solvents, acetone,
alcohol, insect repellents, adhesives and paint, as they will damage the unit’s seals, case and
5.2. Water resistance
Your Suunto t4 is water resistant up to 30 m/100 ft and the transmitter belt to 20m/66ft according
and other water sports activities but you must not use it for scuba diving or freediving.
To maintain water resistance and to ensure that the warranty remains valid, we strongly recommend
that you have all service, except for battery change, performed by authorized Suunto service
Never push the buttons while swimming or in contact with water. Pressing
the buttons while the unit is submerged could cause the unit to malfunction.
Even though both the Suunto t4 and the transmitter belt are water-resistant,
the radio signal does not carry in water, which makes the communication
between Suunto t4 and the transmitter belt impossible.
5.3. Replacing the battery
Your Suunto t4 operates on a 3-Volt lithium cell, type: CR 2032. The life expectancy is approximately
12 months of operation with an average of 4 hours of training a week. The higher your average
amount of training hours a week, the shorter the battery's life expectancy will be.
To reduce the risk of fire or burns, do not crush, puncture or dispose of
used batteries in fire or water. Only replace them with manufacturer-
specified batteries. Recycle or dispose of used batteries properly.
5.3.1. Replacing the battery of the Suunto t4
To replace the battery:
1. Use a coin to open the battery compartment on the back of your device. Ensure that the O
ring and all surfaces are clean and dry.
2. Remove the old battery.
3. Place the new battery into the battery compartment with the positive side facing up.
4. Slide the battery gently against the contact plate on the side, ensuring that it does not break
or bend out of place.
5. When replacing the cover, rotate it carefully counter-clockwise with your thumb in order to
align the threads. The cover should rotate easily at first without having to use force. If you
have to use force right at the start, the threads are misaligned and the threads may be
6. Perform the final tightening with a suitably sized coin.
The markings on the cover may be left unaligned once the cover has been
tightened. If the old cover is undamaged, it does not need to be replaced.
If the threads of the battery compartment cover are damaged, please send
your device to an authorized Suunto representative for service.
Replace the battery with extreme care to ensure that your Suunto t4 remains
water resistant. Careless battery replacement may void the warranty.
Heavy use of the backlight will significantly reduce battery life.
5.3.2. Replacing the battery of the heart rate belt
The average expected battery life of the transmitter belt is 300 hours of use in ideal operating
temperatures. If your Suunto t4 does not receive a signal when the transmitter belt is active, you
might need to replace the battery.
Use a coin to open the battery compartment cover on the backside of the transmitter belt.
Ensure that the O ring and all surfaces are clean and dry. Do not stretch the O ring.
Remove the old battery.
Place the new battery into the battery compartment with the positive side facing up.
With the O ring in the correct position, replace the battery compartment cover.
We recommend that you replace the battery cover and the O ring
simultaneously with the battery to ensure that the transmitter remains clean
and water-resistant. Replacement covers are available with replacement
Battery covers of the transmitter belt and Suunto t4 are not interchangeable.
Operating temperature: -20°C to +60°C/-5°F to +140°F
Storage temperature: -30°C to +60°C/-22°F to +140°F
Weight: 45 g/50 g/65 g (depending on the strap)
Water-resistance: 30 m/100 ft (ISO 2281)
User replaceable battery CR2032
Calendar clock.
Resolution: 1 s. Programmed until 2050
Stopwatch range: 99 hours. Lap time range: 99 hours. Lap/split times: 50/log
Resolution: 0.1 s
Heart rate data.
Display range: 30 - 240 bpm
Heart rate limits: 30 - 240 bpm
Maximum heart rate for percentage display: 240 bpm
Transmitter belt.
Water-resistance: 20 m/66 ft (ISO 2281)
Weight: 61 g
Frequency: 2.465 GHz Suunto ANT compatible
Transmission range: Up to 10 m/30 ft
User-replaceable battery: CR2032
7.1. Copyright
This publication and its contents are proprietary to Suunto Oy and are intended solely for the use
of its clients to obtain knowledge and key information regarding the operation of Suunto t4 products.
Its contents shall not be used or distributed for any other purpose and/or otherwise communicated,
disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Suunto Oy.
While we have taken great care to ensure that information contained in this documentation is both
comprehensive and accurate, no warranty of accuracy is expressed or implied. Its content is
subject to change at any time without notice. The latest version of this documentation can always
7.2. Trademark
Suunto, Suunto t4, Replacing Luck, their logos, and other Suunto brand trademarks and made
names are registered or unregistered trademarks of Suunto Oy. All rights are reserved. Firstbeat
& Analyzed by Firstbeat are registered or unregistered trademarks of Firstbeat Technologies Ltd.
All rights reserved.
7.3. Patent notice
This product is protected by the following patents and patent applications and their corresponding
national rights: US 11/432,380, US 11/181,836, US 11/169712, FI 20065147, US 11/154,444, US
10/523,156, US 10/515,170 and EU Design 000528005-0001/000528005-0010.
8.1. User's responsibility
This instrument is intended for recreational use only. Suuntot4 must not be used as a substitute
for obtaining measurements that require professional or laboratory-quality precision.
8.2. Warnings
If you have a pacemaker, defibrillator, or other implanted electronic device, you use the transmitter
belt at your own risk. Before you start using a transmitter belt, we recommend an exercise test
under a doctor’s supervision. This will ensure the safety and reliability of the pacemaker and
transmitter belt when used simultaneously.
Exercise may include some risk, especially for those who have been sedentary. We strongly advise
consulting your doctor prior to beginning a regular exercise program.
8.3. CE
The CE mark is used to mark conformity with the European Union EMC directives 89/336/EEC
and 99/5/ EEC.
8.4. ICES
This Class [B] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
8.5. Limits of liability and ISO 9001 compliance
If this product should fail due to defects in materials or workmanship, Suunto Oy will, at its sole
option, repair or replace it with new or rebuilt parts, free of charge, for two (2) years from the date
of its purchase. This warranty is only extended to the original purchaser and only covers failures
due to defects in materials and workmanship that occur during normal use while in the period of
the warranty.
It does not cover battery, battery replacement, damage or failures resulting from accident, misuse,
neglect, mishandling, alteration or modifications of the product, or any failure caused by operation
of the product outside the scope of its published specifications, or any causes not covered by this
There are no express warranties except as listed above.
Suunto Oy and its subsidiaries shall in no event be liable for any incidental or consequential
damages arising from the use of or inability to use the product. Suunto Oy and its subsidiaries do
not assume any responsibility for losses or claims by third parties that may arise through the use
of this device.
Suunto's Quality Assurance System is certified by Det Norske Veritas to be ISO 9001 compliant
in all Suunto Oy's operations (Quality Certificate No. 96-HEL-AQ-220).
8.6. After sales service
If a claim under warranty appears to be necessary, return the product, freight prepaid, to your
Suunto representative who is responsible for having your product repaired or replaced. Include
your name, address, proof of purchase and/or service registration card, as required in your country.
The claim will be honored and the product repaired or replaced at no charge and returned in what
your Suunto representative determines a reasonable amount of time, provided that all necessary
parts are in stock. All repairs that are not covered under the terms of this warranty will be made
at the owner's expense. This warranty is non-transferable from the original owner.
makes it quicker and easier for us to help you if you ever need to send your product for servicing,
or if you need information about using your unit from our Global Help Desk.
8.7. FCC compliance
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC limits for class B digital devices. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed or used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. There is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular instance. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to other equipment, try to correct the problem by relocating the equipment.
Consult an authorized Suunto representative or other qualified service technician if you cannot
correct the problem. Operation is subject to the following conditions:
This device cannot cause harmful interference.
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Repairs should be made by authorized Suunto service personnel. Unauthorized repairs will void
the warranty.
Tested to comply with FCC standards.
For home or office use.
FCC WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Suunto Oy could void your
authority to operate this device under FCC regulations.
Please dispose of the device in an appropriate way, treating it as electronic waste. Do not throw
it in the garbage. If you wish, you may return the device to your nearest Suunto representative.
Global Help Desk +358 2 284 11 60
Suunto USA Phone +1 (800) 543-9124
Canada Phone
Suunto website
+1 (800) 776-7770
This publication and its contents are proprietary to Suunto Oy.
Suunto, Wristop Computer, Suunto t4, Replacing Luck and their logos are registered
or unregistered trademarks of Suunto Oy. All rights reserved.
While we have taken great care to ensure that information contained in this
documentation is both comprehensive and accurate, no warranty of accuracy is
expressed or implied. Its content is subject to change at any time without notice.