Quick guide
Information on this quick guide
Information on this quick guide
Please make sure to read the “Safety information” supplement
included separately with the ADN CU1 central unit. This supplement
contains important information on the safe operation of the product as
well as the manufacturer’s declaration and warranty notes.
A detailed instruction manual for the overall ADN conference system
can be found
• on the DVD-ROM supplied with the ADN CU1 central unit.
The ADN D1 and ADN C1 conference units
The ADN D1 delegate unit and the ADN C1 chairperson unit are part of
the Sennheiser ADN conference system.
To ensure full operational reliability in a redundant ring topol-
ogy, the hardware of the ADN C1 and ADN D1 has been revised.
If you combine conference units with hardware revision 1 (no
marking on the type plate) and conference units with hardware
revision 2 (“HW: v2” is printed on the type plate), fail-safe
operation is only possible to a limited extent.
̈ In a redundant ring topology, only use conference units
with hardware revision 2.
Delivery includes
1 ADN D1 delegate unit or
ADN C1 chairperson unit
1 quick guide
ADN C1/ADN D1 | 1
Delivery includes
Components required for operation
Central unit/
Power supplies
Cat. No. Function
ADN CU1-EU central unit, 505553 Controls the
EU version
conference and
supplies power
to max. of 40
ADN CU1-UK central unit, 505554
UK version
conference units
ADN CU1-US central unit, 505555
US version
1 - 15
ADN PS-EU power supply, 505546 Supplies power to
(optional) EU version
conference units
connected in
simple strings or
in redundant ring
for conferences
with up to 400
conference units
ADN PS-UK power supply, 505547
UK version
ADN PS-US power supply, 505548
US version
Conference units
Cat. No. Function
Max. 400 ADN D1 delegate unit
502758 Allows to make
contributions to
the conference
1 - 10
ADN C1 chairperson unit 502759 Allows to manage
the conference
System cables The system cables are black and have two shielded RJ45 plugs.
Description, length
Cat. No. Function
SDC CBL RJ45-2, 2 m
SDC CBL RJ45-3, 3 m
SDC CBL RJ45-5, 5 m
SDC CBL RJ45-10, 10 m
SDC CBL RJ45-20, 20 m
SDC CBL RJ45-50, 50 m
009842 Allow to
components and
conference units
Additional accessories for the ADN conference system can be
2 | ADN C1/ADN D1
Product overview
Product overview
³ Sound inlet basket with windshield
· Signal light ring
µ IN socket
¸ OUT socket
» Headphone socket
¿ Priority key
´ Next key
² Headphone volume control for
headphone socket
¶ Microphone key
º Microphone LED
¾ Loudspeaker
ADN C1/ADN D1 | 3
Operating a delegate unit
Operating a delegate unit
Taking the floor/Making a request to speak
If the conference mode is set to “Direct Access” or “Override” (for fur-
ther information, refer to the detailed instruction manual for the over-
all system “ADN Conference System”):
̈ Press the microphone key ¶.
Your microphone switches on and you can take the floor immedi-
ately. The microphone LED º and the signal light ring · light up
red. The loudspeaker ¾ is muted. Depending on the conference
mode and the speaker limit set, the microphone of the previous
speaker will be deactivated.
If the conference mode is set to “Push To Talk”:
̈ Press the microphone key ¶ and keep it pressed for the duration
of your contribution.
Your microphone switches on and you can take the floor immedi-
ately. The microphone LED º and the signal light ring · light up
red. The loudspeaker ¾ is muted.
If the conference mode is set to “Request”, you have to be granted
speaking privileges:
̈ Press the microphone key ¶.
Depending on the setting adjusted in the operating menu (for fur-
ther information, refer to the detailed instruction manual for the
overall system “ADN Conference System”)
– the microphone LED º flashes green and the signal light ring ·
flashes red or
– only the microphone LED º flashes green.
When the chairperson grants you speaking privileges, your micro-
phone is activated. The microphone LED º and the signal light
ring · light up red. The loudspeaker ¾ muted. Depending on the
conference mode and the speaker limit set, the microphone of the
previous speaker will be deactivated.
4 | ADN C1/ADN D1
Operating a delegate unit
Deactivating the microphone/Cancelling a request to speak
To deactivate the microphone when you have finished speaking or to can-
cel a request to speak (“Direct Access”, “Override” or “Request” mode):
̈ Press the microphone key ¶ once more.
The microphone LED º and the signal light ring · go off.
In “Push To Talk” mode:
̈ Release the pressed microphone key ¶.
The microphone LED º and the signal light ring · go off.
Connecting headphones
̈ Connect headphones with a 3.5 mm jack plug to the headphone
socket ».
Adjusting the headphone volume
Hearing damage due to high volumes!
Listening at high volume levels for long periods can lead
to permanent hearing defects.
̈ Set the volume to a medium level.
̈ Do not continuously expose yourself and other con-
ference participants to high volumes.
To adjust the volume:
̈ Turn the headphone volume control ᕦ
– to the right to increase the volume or
– to the left to reduce the volume.
At switch-off, the headphone volume is reset to a medium level.
ADN C1/ADN D1 | 5
Operating a chairperson unit
Operating a chairperson unit
Beside the chairperson functions, chairperson units offer the same
functions as delegate units. A chairperson unit allows you to take the
floor at any time without having to “apply” for a comment. If your con-
ference system comprises several chairperson units, all chairperson
units have equal rights.
Granting speaking privileges
All participants who have made a request to speak will join a request-
to-speak list. Depending on the setting adjusted in the operating
– the microphone LED º flashes green and the signal light ring ·
flashes red or
– only the microphone LED º flashes green.
To grant speaking privileges to the next participant from the request-
to-speak list:
̈ Press the Next key ´.
The next participant from the request-to-speak list is granted
speaking privileges.
If you are using the “Conference Manager” software, you
can also grant speaking privileges with a mouse click (for
further information, refer to the detailed instruction manual
for the overall system “ADN Conference System”).
Ending a conference or withdrawing speaking privileges
(cancel function)
̈ Set the function of the chairperson unit’s priority key ¿ “Clear
Request List on Cancel”) via the central unit’s operating menu:
Main Menu
Clear Request List on Cancel
6 | ADN C1/ADN D1
Operating a chairperson unit
Function of the priority key ¿
Pressing the priority key deactivates all delegate
All requests to speak are deleted.
Pressing the priority key deactivates all currently
active delegate units.
All requests to speak are retained.
̈ Briefly press the priority key ¿.
The conference system behaves as set.
If you are using the “Conference Manager” software, you
can also deactivate all delegate units with a mouse click (for
further information, refer to the detailed instruction man-
ual for the overall system “ADN Conference System”).
Muting all delegate units temporarily (priority function)
Using the priority function, the chairperson can interrupt a discussion
at any time. The speaking privileges of all chairperson units remain
active at any time.
̈ Keep the priority key ¿ pressed for as long as you want to mute
the delegate units.
All conference units – except for the chairperson units – are muted
immediately. The microphone LED º and the signal light ring · of
the previously active conference units flash red. You can take the
floor immediately.
̈ Release the priority key ¿.
The muting of the conference units is canceled. The discussion is
ADN C1/ADN D1 | 7
ADN D1 and ADN C1 conference units
(w/o gooseneck)
185 x 63 x 140 mm (W x H x D)
approx. 700 g
Supply voltage
Power consumption
Temperature range
35 V ... 52.8 V
2 W (w/o reproduction via loudspeakers)
operation: +10°C to +40°C
storage: −25°C to +70°C
Relative humidity
Headphone socket
operation: 10 to 80%
storage: 10 to 90%
3.5 mm stereo jack socket
Output level at
headphone socket
50 mW/16 Ω
DHT (at 1 kHz)
0.03% at 50 mW/16 Ω
Frequency response
Signal-to-noise ratio
100 Hz to 14.5 kHz
> 70 dB(A)
Pick-up pattern
Frequency response
190 Hz to 14.5 kHz
8 | ADN C1/ADN D1
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany
Publ. 09/11, 543390/A01
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